The finest taste from the clearest water
ChalkStream® sources fine English rainbow trout on the world famous Test and Itchen Rivers of Hampshire. Slow grown for 2 years in farms built on fast flowing pure chalk stream water, our trout are fit and lean with a unique clean taste.
The flow through freshwater design of the farms, fully segregated from the rivers with settlement capture and water quality testing, avoids many of the environmental concerns connected with open pen farming in the sea.
ChalkStream® supplies a range of fresh and smoked products to top restaurants, iconic events, fine fish counters and direct to your door.

Sustainably Fed
ChalkStream® trout have a specially formulated high quality and sustainable micro balanced diet including MarinTrust sustainably sourced fishmeal and fish oil and certified GM free and Proterra cereals. Most importantly 99% of the fishmeal and fish oil in the diet is from trimmings i.e. a waste product from fish caught sustainably in the UK and EU waters for human consumption. For more detailed information on the feed used click here.
High Welfare
ChalkStream® trout are grown with an artisan approach to ensure the highest standards of husbandry and welfare. The supplier farms are Globlal GAP certified, RSPCA Assured, Members of the British Trout Association and Quality Trout UK accredited. For more information on the how our fish are grown click here.
Chalk streams are rare and unique habitats, with just over 200 in the world, 85% are in England alone. It is critical that we look after the habitats we work in and fundamental that we return the water in the favourable condition it entered the farms. All the water from the farms go through gravity filtration channels which are monitored by the Environment Agency before returning to the main rivers.
The Marine Stuardship Council (MSC) Good Fish Guide rate the category for ChalkStream® trout as 1-2 'Best Choice'. The rating summary states "the standard mitigates the many areas of environmental concern in open net pen aquaculture, including discharge of effluents, use of chemicals, escapees, disease and parasites".
ChalkStream® is supporting a program of river restoration on the Test and Itchen and is engaged with Southampton University on 2 major water quality studies on the rivers. For more information please see our Impacts page here.

Harvested to Order
ChalkStream® only supplies select wholesalers and our fish are harvested to order to ensure the freshest possible delivery to customers. The trout will still be swimming when orders are placed.
All ChalkStream® trout should come with a gill tag to ensure you are receiving our unique quality product. Please ask your wholesaler for the gill tags from all ChalkStream® fish, whether you order it whole, gutted, filleted or portioned.
If you have any concerns about the quality of your fish please contact your wholesaler or you can contact us direct email sales CLICK HERE or call 01794 330000